Sunday, August 20, 2017

Why I Deleted My Wordpress Site

I have little confession to make.
I used to have a blog on
 I started it little over a year ago.
But I decided it's time to delete it. Why?

Reasons Why I Deleted It

1. I wasn't passionate anymore.
    When I found out about mom blogging world, I was intrigued. I wanted to be a part of it.
    But my passion for it quickly disappeared.

2. It's so hard to get reader.
    I wasn't really into making presence in Social Media or Pinterest.
    So people really didn't find my blog. It's a lot of work and I wasn't ready for it.

3. Design
    I was more into making my blog look pretty than working on content.
    Wordpress gave me too much independence for the site design which is usually a great thing, but I lost in a sea of too much choices.
    And I couldn't decide on which route to take for the design. I didn't know what kind of blog design I even wanted which stressed me out.

4. I couldn't justify paying for the site
    As you all know, has to be hosted. And I couldn't justify paying money on something I'm not passionate anymore.

But I came back to blogging.


Because I missed my outlet.  I would love to have readers, but more than that, parenting and homemaking could be lonely job.

The only adult I talk in a day is usually only my husband.
Since we move around quite often, it's always hard when we are just readjusting.
So I needed some place to vent it out.

But I didn't want to pay for the hosting since I wasn't sure how long I could keep blogging again.
So I went for the Blogger.
Maybe, I will move to if I keep writing consistently blog this time.
Who knows?

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