Monday, August 21, 2017

Blogs I Like to Read

Before I was writing blog of my own, I was a reader of some blogs
Unfortunately, some of the bloggers I used to read aren't writing anymore, but some still do.

So, today, I would like to share the blogs I like to read.

 Nadine Rebecca

I found out about her when I first came across her Blog Brighter which was a blog about blogging. Even though Blog Brighter doesn't exist on Interweb anymore, Nadine still write on her lifestyle blog.
Her writing style is very genuine and easy to read. I love it when I see her blog post comes up on my Bloglovin' feed! Also, I like her photos as well!

Military Wife and Mom

I found this blog while back too. Lauren gives you helpful advice for parenting and if you are a military wife, she has some advice for that too! She covers broad area!

Caffeine & Cuddles

I think I couldn't love her blog name more. Oh, I love it. (I have a thing for clever/cute blog names!)
And Erin has covered style, beauty, motherhood, food and life covered! You won't regret reading her blog.

Classy Career Girl

Whenever I read one of their post, it makes me motivated.
If you are entrepreneur or someone on the management, this blog might have something helpful to you!

Pioneer Woman

Does she still count as a blogger?
I think she does. Even though she has her famous shows on Food Network, she still write on here and I enjoy them! Not to mention her delicious recipes!!

Now, it's your turn. Who is your favorite blogger?
I'm always looking for a new blog to read and learn new things, so please let me know!

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